Let’s work together

Our Services

What we do

How Can We Help You?

If you have been charged with a crime, you need a criminal defense attorney with the experience and skill to defend and represent you well.


If you’re facing DWI or DUI charges, you’ll need a lawyer with years of expertise since putting together a strong DUI defense may be difficult.

Drug Possession

It’s not easy to be accused of drug possession. If you’ve been charged with drug possession, you’ll want to hire a lawyer who will fight for you.


Robbery is a serious crime. If you have been charged with any type of robbery, contact Allen Smith for your defense counsel as soon as possible.


Murder charges are, without a doubt, some of the most serious criminal charges a person can face. Give Allen Smith a call now for a strong defense!


If you’ve been charged with assault, you need a defense attorney who has a track record of providing effective counsel. Contact Allen Smith today!

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence charges are serious charges with major consequences if convicted. You will need a strong defense attorney. Give Allen Smith a call now!

Weapons Charges

Weapons charges can be very serious. Allen Smith knows how to present a strong defense for people charged with all sorts of weapons and gun charges in Louisiana.

Internet Crimes

Internet crime is a relatively new field of criminal law. Allen Smith can provide guidance and strong legal representation in your defense if you have been charged with an internet crime.


Fraud defense attorneys know how to analyze the facts and employ skills to give you the very best defense. Allen Smith has years of experience doing just that. 

White-Collar Crimes

White-collar crime cases can be tricky to navigate and defend. Allen Smith has extensive experience and will be able to give you the very best defense if you have been charged with a white-collar crime.

STATE Charges

Allen Smith has years of state court experience. He defends clients facing a wide range of charges in Louisiana Criminal District Courts and Municipal Courts. Contact him now for an aggressive representation!

FEDERAL charges

The federal criminal justice system can be tough to navigate. With years of experience, Allen Smith can give you strong representation. Give him a call now!

Let’s get started

By retaining Allen Smith you can rest assured that your rights are protected.